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Image by micheile henderson


​Signature Wildcrafted Spa Products​

Made fresh upon request. 

Honoring my vision to add only the most pure, raw, natural ingredients and preservatives to my blends.

Wander Body Oils


Sandalwood. Juniper. Geranium


(Tantalum album. Juniperus communis. Pelargonium odorantissimum)


Grounding: Mental clarity, memory boosting, improves circulation, eases muscle cramps



Aromatherapy precautionary profile: Juniper may be stimulating to the Kidneys.  Geranium regulates hormones, be mindful during pregnancy.  Simply be mindful and trust your intuition. 


Lavender. Sage. Ylang Ylang


(Lavendula officinalis. Salvia sclarea. Cananga odorata)


Calming: Antidepressant, anti rheumatic, anti spasmodic, anti viral 



Aromatherapy precautionary profile: Lavender may lower blood pressure; be mindful if you already have LBP.  Lavender may have emmenagogue effects which stimulate menstrual flow, be mindful during pregnancy.  Ylang Ylang when over used may onset a headache.  Simply be mindful and trust your intuition.  


Blood Orange. Patchouli. Lemongrass

(Citrus sinensis. Pogostemon patchouli. Cymbopogon citratus)


Uplifting: Antidepressant, comforting, encouraging



Aromatherapy precautionary profile: Orange is photo toxic, be mindful when in the sunshine.  Patchouli may be stimulating after 6 pm in the evening to some.  Lemongrass may irritate the skin as a slight allergic response.  Simply be mindful and trust your intuition.  


Rosemary. Bergamot. Frankincense. Vetiver


(Rosmarinus officinalis. Citrus bergamia. Boswellia carteri. Andropogon muricatus)


Peaceful: Mood alleviating, antidepressant, anti rheumatic, nervine, great for many types of dermatitis and acne



Aromatherapy precautionary profile: Rosemary may be stimulating, be mindful if you have HBP.  Bergamot is photo toxic, be mindful when in the sunshine.  Simply be mindful and trust your intuition.  

Embrace Face Serum


Hormone balancing, anti aging, acne soothing Facial Serum… Embrace your inner Beauty! 

Apply to face and neck for healthy, vibrant skin



Aromatherapy precautionary profile: May be stimulating after 6 pm in the evening to some.  Simply be mindful and trust your intuition.  



Echinacea E. purpurea, E. angustifolia "fresh leaf, flower, root and potato vodka or apple cider vinegar."

Antiviral and antibacterial benefits while strengthening the Immune System.


Motherwort Leonurus cardiaca "fresh leaf, flower, potato vodka or apple cider vinegar" is wonderful for all stages of womanhood, calming, joyful, anti anxiety, soothing for PMS, Menopause.


*What is a Tincture-

  • Liquid extracts made from Herbs, taken directly under the tongue.

  • One dosage has same alcohol content as a ripe banana therefore no contraindications for pregnancy or children


Dogsage- Adult, 2 droppers full- up to three times a day

Essence Aromatic Spray 


Clearing to the mind, peaceful and uplifting. Happy in a bottle


Apply to pulse points as a body spray or use as a room/linen spray



Aromatherapy precautionary profile: Photo toxic, be mindful when in the sunshine.  Simply be mindful and trust your intuition.

One with Nature
Bug Spray 


Be "One with Nature" but keep the pesky bugs away.

Apply to skin or clothes to deter bugs, soothing to bites/stings



Aromatherapy precautionary profile: May be stimulating after 6 pm in the evening for some.  May irritate the skin as a slight allergic response.  Simply be mindful and trust your intuition.

3lb Jar $30

Local Honey, foraged by the sweet little wild and free Honey Bees at Ace Raw Honey who are pollinated at Bella Vista Farm.

9oz jar $10

Crystalized honey for face exfoliation. 


Benefits of Raw Honey topically:

  • Rich in Nutrients such as Vitamins B & C, Minerals and Amino Acids.

  • Retains moisture in our cells, preventing dryness and the appearance of wrinkles.

  • Antioxidant properties that prevent premature aging.

  • Preserves natural oils in our skin, enhances elasticity.

  • Antibacterial properties that are great for acne prone skin and healing to wounds.

Benefits of Raw Honey internally:

  • Soothing for coughs, sore throats and respiratory infections.

  • Antibacterial, anti-fungal, immune boosting, antioxidant properties

  • Just to name a few...

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Please fill out the order form below to order products. Please note that each product is made fresh. I will communicate with you when your product will be available.

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Bella Vista Massage & Spa

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